Friday, August 25, 2006

Day Nine: My Friend Sugar

Ok. Today was generally ok in the scheme of things - lots of temptations, and times that I thought I wanted to eat rubbish. I decided to go for a little walk at lunchtime, and one of the little voices in my head said "why don't you go and buy some chocolate", while the other little voice said "no you don't need it - stress is tolerable"! The first little voice is very persuasive and I found myself in the shop thinking "I will just buy something small and yummy - but they didn't have much of a selection, so I ended up buying a large bag of lollies (candy) and scoffing the lot!! And I don't even know why - I sometimes think my body doesn't want me to eat normally... but I guess that it has had about 20 years of not eating normally, so it will take a little time to adjust. I just have to keep my consciousness up, and fight harder against that little voice.

p.s. after my post last night I ended up sharing an entire large bar of chocolate with hubby!!?? Why??? I didn't even like the flavour much!

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