Thursday, August 24, 2006

Day Eight: Stress is Tolerable!!??

OK, the stress levels were on the increase today. Our car needs 4 new tyres, and the transmission is stuffed and is going to cost approx $3500 to fix!!! AAarrgh! This would be ok if we were both working, but on one income we are only just getting by without worrying about these extras!

After hearing this news I had a mini-much fest this afternoon, but kept myself reasonably well in check. I guess you can say that is progress, every full on binge avoided is a step in the right direction (i.e. at least things aren't getting worse!).

My little boy decided he wouldn't sleep this afternoon, so I haven't had that time needed to think about where my head is at - I am also feeling tired and my mum is coming to stay tomorrow, so I think I'll have a little declutter and clean up, and head for bed.

Tomorrow is another day! Baby steps - baby steps!


MizB said...

Oh boy, can I ever relate to this post! We have been in exactly the same situation so many times! Hubby & I chose to be a one-income family, deciding early on that it was more important for me to stay home with the kids than for us to be a 2-income family. But, we've had to go through bankruptcy & more (lost our house, our car, etc) in order to follow through.

My kids are now old enough to be in school full-time, so I'm out job-hunting for the first time in 8 years... LOL

I will pray that you are able to get through the stresses without food. And, remember: Whatever doesn't kill you will only make you stronger! ;o)

Hang in there!

<>< Mizbooks

Jo said...

Thanks mizbooks! I have to keep telling myself that it is for the kids that we are doing it, and that a lot of people are worse off. It really isn't so bad since we have a mortgage that we can increase, but I just hate the thought of more debt.