Sunday, December 17, 2006

Day 124: Stuffed full again

Why do I do this to myself?

Was just reading a bit on the 3 minute therapy site and I have decided to blog on the disadvantages of eating chocolate and lollies:

  1. It rots my teeth
  2. No matter how much I eat I can't seem to be satisfied
  3. It keeps me overweight
  4. It makes me feel depressed afterwards
  5. It plays havoc on my skin
  6. Processed food/sugar/fat is linked to bowel/other cancers, heart disease, and diabetes. I don't want to leave my babies motherless.
  7. It gives me mood swings
  8. It costs money that could be spent on other things
  9. It means that I can't fit the clothes that I want to wear
  10. It stops me choosing other healthier food

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Day 120: No lollies today

Wow - minor miracle today. Did not eat lollies or chocolate!!!! Amazing.... OK so my diet wasn't exactly a healthy whole food balanced thing, but at least this is progress.

And I rode the 7km each way to and from work today.... it isn't going to be much fun as it gets hotter!!! But quite nice to ride home past the beach. Better than being stuck in Auckland traffic (or Tauranga traffic for that matter!!)

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Day 119: Cancer!

Sorry - don't mean to scare you with that title, but the topic of bowel cancer came up at work today, within the context of "low fibre processed foods = higher risk". That scared me - although I eat ok in terms of some fruit and veges etc, I do eat a lot of rubbish processed foods!!!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Day 118: Sugar sugar sugar

Can't get enough of that sugar hit!!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Day 117: sun shiny day

The sun was shining today which always helps my mood. Just realised it has been 4 days since I did any real exercise and I miss it! Must go for a run in the morning (although I have to bike to work too).

Didn't do a great job of eating today - too lazy.

step by step

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Friday, December 08, 2006

Day 116: More thinking

After posting last night, I ended up eating quite a bit of junk.... don't know why.

I am still in the right head space today - still a bit unwell so was at home again, and did some more reading of Fear of food book.

My evenings are obviously the worst times for that automatic eating. I don't know whether to tackle them first, or work on other times first and tackle the hard bit last....???

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Day 115: Feel refreshed

I was feeling a bit sick today, so I ended up taking the day off, and doing a bit of sleeping, reading and contemplating.

I've picked up a book that I read years ago when I was in the UK, called "Fear of Food" it is a non-diet book and has some good stuff in it.

Some quotes that rang a bell with me:
"Compulsive eating and weight difficulties are linked with a diversityof emotional and psychological states as well as geneticpredisposition, learned behaviours about food and eating and theactual physical aspects of metabolism and the type of food eaten. Evenself knowledge is not the answer. You have been collecting everythingyou need to know for years, but knowing "why" doesn't change anythingeither. You need to take that self understanding and create anemotional/physical change. You need to integrate the mind and thebody. This is a whole body process. You need to work with your body asa friend and not as some problem that keeps hanging around."

"You can alter your eating behaviour in a variety of ways, but if younever address the reason that it got out of balance to begin with, youare doomed to fall back into the trap. You need to look at your wholelife, not just your eating or your body. Instead of asking yourself'How do I stop being out of control with food?', ask yourself, 'Whatis it that I want from food?' We treat our bodies like problems, as if they were an enemy followingus around. We actas if we are not part of our bodies and often livefrom the neck up. We imagine that everything can be accomplishedthrough the mind. We avoid looking at our bodies or feeling them to bepart of us in any positive way."

"I know many overweight and eating-disordered people who only consult a mirror to put on their makeup or style their hair. They think thatif they ignore their body, somehow they don't have to worry about it.They think that ignoring it will lesson their emotional turmoil. In this way, we are constantly fighting against ourselves. How can youexpect your body to co-operate if you hate it"

"But our real problem is with low self esteem and dissociation"

"you need to accept your body as part of yourself and see that it istrying to tell you something by being overweight"

"Most overeating is done unconsciously. We don't pay attention to whatwe are doing because it's just too painful. We are people who already have low self-esteem and extremely high expectations. Watching ourselves eat compulsively only adds to the disgust that we feel. Butwe need to wake up to what we are doing. We cannot continue to gothrough life asleep. We must make eating a choice and not a coincidence."

I am working through the book and will post again with some other gems.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Day 114: Been away a while

Well - I'm back posting after a long break. I'm not yet back on the intuitive eating wagon, but I am mentally prepared to write my food diary and thoughts now after having some time out.

I have been an eating machine lately. Luckily the exercise is still going, but I am still eating far too much.

Goals for tomorrow: feel hunger once and listen to hypnosis tapes!