Saturday, January 06, 2007

Day 144: Sugar free

A new year! I haven't started the new year with a diet, but I have been thinking about how I can make some progress in eating intuitively.

I finally ordered a couple of books from amazon the other day (they will take a few weeks to get here). I had been putting it off because of the cost, and because I already have the HUGS books, but I finally decided that I need a kick start.

Well, the big news of the day is that I have decided to go without sugar for the week (as of this morning)! (Well, not completely without sugar - as it is in EVERYTHING - unbelievable reading those labels on food). Anyway, so far so good, despite there being chocolate cake on offer this afternoon, and hubby offering me part of a kitkat this morning.... I resisted! :-)

I'm not sure why I decided to do the sugar thing. It seems to be a thing that takes me out of control - like I can't get enough.

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