Thursday, January 11, 2007

Day 149: Near made 6 days

I was doing so well, and then I let myself down this evening....

Today I was craving sweets - I nearly went to buy some but I bought some cherries and grapes instead for that sweet hit (I ate quite a lot but at least I felt better than eating a bag of lollies!)

Then this evening hubby was busy so I had to deal with the kids etc, and they were crying because he wasn't around and because it was hot and sticky. I dealt with all that and the mess (stuff left from breakfast - yuck!) and then REALLY wanted sugary treats. I tried to have crackers and cheese to stave it off, but in the end I caved in and ate several sweet things. Now I feel yucky....

But I am still going to do the 7 day no sugar thing... as I feel I need to do it.

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