Friday, December 28, 2007
Addicted to food?
"Do I lack self control when I eat?
Does my mind tell me to stop eating but my body disagrees?
Am I ashamed about my eating habits?
Do I hide food and eat it behind closed doors?
Do I feel guilty after I eat?
Do I eat when I’m simply upset about something but not hungry?
Do I eat even though I know it will only lead to negative consequences later?
Do I eat differently in public than I do in private?
When I eat, do I feel pleasure and comfort that I can’t really seem to achieve through other means?
Is my weight adversely affecting my quality of life? "
And the solution?
"If you can learn to recognize what environments and situations set off your cravings, you can then learn to avoid them. "
OK - the situations are - at work when sitting at my desk, at home, especially in the evening in front of the TV or computer
"As well, it’s important to incorporate some kind of exercise or physical activity into your daily routine. Not only will you burn calories and quicken your metabolism by doing this, but exercise is a healthy distraction from your unhealthy preoccupation with food."
OK - so the walking, running, and karate should help if I do them regularly enough
"Other distractions may include meditation or reading or playing the piano – find a hobby that keeps your mind busy and off of food. "
The meditation or maybe prayer or reciting positive affirmations might help, but yes, I do need a hobby - got to dust off those paintbrushes ... I've said it so many times.
"As well, by drinking water every day (about 64 ounces) you can make a big difference in your weight and lessen your food cravings too."
Hmmn - yes in this heat I am guilty of not doing this enough too... although I am pretty good at drinking water.
I think I need to eat more protein too....
96 days to go
My running, at least, has got off the ground again, although it is more of a struggle. It is catch 22 really as I know I would enjoy running more if I wasn't lugging so much weight around, but in order to shift that weight I know I should run more.
Anyway I am going to get off my butt and go for a walk - yay for summer and daylight savings!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Hopefully it is on the mend now. I am going to try to go for a run again in the morning.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Small changes
- 5+ fruit and vege per day
- 30 min exercise per day (6 times per week)
- <45 mins on computer per night
I want to get these nailed before I start focussing on some other goals.
Only 130 days until child-free-island-holiday!!!!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Running to music
Have just got back from being away on a course for a few days. It is nice to be home, but I find tonight I have settled back into my old habits munch-wise.... hmmn.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
I'm glad I'm not on a diet
But... there is a but, I don't really feel like I have been following the intuitive eating guidelines.
I am a major grazer, and I eat beyond full, and for emotional reasons.
This post gave me food for thought today.. particularly this bit "...carefully listen to your internal cues. If you're not sure whether you're really hungry, you probably aren't. Stop eating when you feel like you’ve had enough to go for a while without eating again. Eating past that point regularly will make you less hungry for subsequent meals, and again, if you’re not proficient in listening to your hunger cues, you may end up overeating. "
My focus for the next 7 days will be eating at defined times - not to restrict me, but just to guide my body into feeling and satisfying that hunger.
They are basic principles, I know what to do... now I just need to become conscious about it, and get off autopilot-excuse-maker.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Well.... I still have a long way to go, but I am getting there. Today was a progress day, after several days of bingeing on sweet stuff and feeling stuffed full.
I took a small piece of leftover brownie with me to work today along with my lunch. I told myself I would have it in the afternoon when I wanted that sugar. I took some fruit and nuts to snack on, but made sure that I was hungry when I snacked.
I installed a little timer program that I have set to count down for 5 minutes on my work computer. When I feel the urge for the snackbox, I hit the timer, promising myself that if I still want it when the timer stops, then I can have it. I did this several times today (lots and lots actually!) but I never actually wanted it at the end of the time. Sometimes I had some nuts or a piece of fruit instead, but mostly I had a drink of water, or just carried on working!
I also am trying to get some spirituality and prayer back into my life. I think that has helped.
For work I am going on a Scrum course soon. Scrum is a project management process for developing software in small "bits" and focussing on the most important things first. I had another Eureka moment this morning and thought that I should apply this approach to the stuff in my life that I want to improve on (healthy eating, exercise, relationships). I'm going to write a list of the things I want to do, prioritise them, and focus on just those that are at the top of the list for a 30 day "sprint".
On a completely different tangent, I have also signed up for Nanowrimo (thanks to Jenn!). I've never written anything in my life, but I'm going to give it a go... Only problem is that it will require even *more* time on the computer! :-)
Saturday, October 20, 2007
More than halfway through October!
October has been a pretty "good" month, in terms of getting off my butt and exercising (walking, running, karate, beach volleyball, cycling), but I have found myself bingeing, and I think it is because I said "I will eat no junk food".... the inner child in me says NO!
My accountability partner is also taking a break, and this forced me to think about what I was really gaining from emailing, blogging, and searching for ideas for hours each night for my overeating habits... really I wasn't getting anywhere. Just doing the same-old-same-old, and resolving to start again fresh in the morning - just like the diet thing!
So I am focussing on some of the HUGS and Beyond Chocolate principles, and just getting on with life. I am focussing on trying to the wife, mother, and person that I should be, and treating myself well.
So I am cutting back on the internet. Aiming for less than half an hour a night (part of my October plan originally anyway). There are a couple of sites I check out daily, and a few others that I will check on occasion. The rest is just wasted time ("chasing rabbits" I think was the term someone else used).
I will try to eat consciously, and I know that I won't always, but that is ok....
So I do still plan to check in on this blog every now and again... and even if no one is reading it, at least I can see where I am at in my life....
I'm off to have a candlelit bath! :-)
Friday, October 05, 2007
OMBO 5: Morning run!
My eating has been ok for most of the day, but overate/snacked a bit much late this afternoon and this evening.
I am thinking about buying some sort of mp3 player suitable for running. I think a bit of music might help inspire me to keep going. Don't know anything about ipods etc.... although I remember hearing something about HDDs being worse than flash for running.....
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
OMBO 3: Temptations
I have eaten two afghan biscuits tonight, but on a positive note, at least they are home made! :-) No preservatives etc.
I've been looking carefully at the products that we use lately and trying to cut back on chemicals. I have swapped to using Living Nature and Skin Food skin and hair products, and tried to go back to "old fashioned" cleaning methods, like soap and water, bicarb soda, etc. I am also trying to get hubby to do more dinners from scratch rather than using highly processed food... having said that, I think my daughter's favourite will always be chicken nuggets! LOL
Better go - part of my goals include being on the internet for less than half an hour in the evenings...
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
OMBO 2: Still doing ok
Miserable changeable weather today. I hope it is better tomorrow!
Monday, October 01, 2007
OMBO 1: Headache
Probably didn't help that my darling son woke up several times last night so I am also feeling a little sleep deprived.
Anyway, I am pretty happy that today's plan went to plan.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
"Off my butt" October
I have title this fresh start "off my butt october". It is about:
- getting more active (getting back into my running, or walking if I can't get out the door)
- eating healthier (fruit and vege, whole foods)
- getting busy at my "risk" times (in the evening on the internet)
- taking time to relax, breathe, and get closer to my spiritual side
This also ties in with "Push Play" month in New Zealand, so the advertising etc is out there to keep inspiring me.
I am also treating this as I would to encourage good behaviour in my 2 year old - praise and reward good behaviour and ignore bad behaviour... to a point :-). I have asked my hubby to give me a 5 minute shoulder massage at the end of each day where I have had the right attitude. I am also rewarding myself at the end of each week with a little (non-food) treat of things that I have been wanting to buy.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Today again
I need to sit down and work out what my goals and rewards are - hubby suggested a sticker chart (like we use for our preschoolers) and I actually think that might not be a bad idea! LOL
Friday, September 07, 2007
No idea what day
It is freezing cold here, although we have had sunshiney days - just with cold icy wind. That is the sort of weather that makes me want to tuck into hot chips and biscuits.
I was supposed to be going away for a week for work next week, but luckily that has been delayed...
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Day 378 CD 73: Is is worth blogging? Yay for Spring
Perhaps I would be better doing something else in my evenings? Yoga or weights or painting or another such distraction.
Also the TV and computer are in the same room, so I often get sucked in to watching a program that I don't need to watch, and wasting my evening...
On a positive note, today is the first day of Spring! Hooray! Roll on those long days of summer :-)
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Day 374 CD 69: Exercise day
I guess in some ways that is a bit sad, as I don't feel like I really have made any progress.
I still eat more than I should most of the time
I still binge on occasion
I still weigh more than I'd like
I still feel out of control with food
I still sometimes eat in secret
On the other hand...
I do have days when I eat intuitively and have small victories of eating intuitively and making the right choices
I did show that I could give up sugar for a whole month
I am running/walking and bike riding, and I have taken up karate
I am regularly thinking about eating nuts and fruit as snacks, and pack them in my lunch
So I guess in some ways this *IS* progress... it just feels a long way from the way I want to feel.. free from feeling controlled by food and happy with the way I feel
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Day 373 CD 68
On the eating front I did well when I was distracted (it was a busy weekend), but did eat through the best part of a king size bar of chocolate in the space of less than a day! I didn't get out for any runs either.
Had another "interesting" day at work today, which is stressing me a bit - but hoping just to go with the flow.....
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Day 368 CD 63: A run in the sun
I went for a lovely run/walk along the beach today. (My only real mini victory today)
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Day 367 CD 62
I didn't make it for a run at lunchtime, as i had these weird stomach cramps. They lasted about an hour, but went away in the end.
Very chilly here tonight - hopefully another fine day tomorrow.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Day 366 CD 61: Eat and eat and eat
But anyway, some small victories:
- walk at lunchtime when tempted to buy lollies
- ride bike home instead of getting a lift
- karate
Monday, August 20, 2007
Day 365 CD 60
- going to the snack box for a cookie, buying liquorice instead, and then putting it in my drawer and eating an apple instead (ate it later in the afternoon)
- consciously taking a smaller portion for dinner and my evening snacks
- going for a run at lunchtime.
I am going to work on increasing my mini victories this next 30 days.
If I can average 3 mini victories each day this week, as well as have 5+ fruit and vege, by next Monday, I will buy myself some nice Living Nature products.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Day 364 CD 59
At least it was a gorgeous sunny day here today. I got out with the kids this morning to the park, and then later this afternoon for a walk along the beach to the rock pools. That was fun!
I'm off to do some weights - haven't done any for a few days.
I feel a need for some goal setting coming on - for health/eating/finances/marriage/exercise....
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Day 363 CD 58
I think I will go sugar free for 30 days again on Monday. I will talk to hubby about it to see what he thinks. I'm not sure if this latest binge few weeks was caused by the "no sugar" deprivation mentality... anyone out there reading - tell me what you think!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Day 360 CD 54: Karate!
I have been eating like a crazy woman lately. I got through my first bar of chocolate (plus other stuff) in two days....
I finished the Beyond Chocolate book - now just need to put it into practice - deciding what to focus on first.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Day 359 CD 53: A beautiful monday
I bought 3 king size bars of whittakers creamy milk chocolate tonight, as part of my Beyond Chocolate beginnings. I haven't listened to my hunger today, although I did stop for 60 seconds at one point....
Wednesday is my focus renewal day. Tomorrow I will prepare.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Day 358 CD 52
Two things I have picked up on are:
- they said that there will be times when you stop yourself before eating, realise that you are not hungry and that you are eating for emotional reasons, but you will still eat - and that is ok, since we aren't perfect
- often books say "distract yourself, call a friend, go for a walk" but that is not easy to do, they suggested at first to just even stop yourself for 60 seonds to see "where you are at"
I will go and read some more now.
p.s. managed to get out for a run with my sister, and didn't do too badly
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Day 355 CD 49
It's like I put my logical conscious brain away, and let the eating monster inside take over....
I ordered a second hand book called Beyond Chocolate. I think it is basically intuitive eating, but the UK version.... will see how that goes when I get it. I don't want to start over yet again though....
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Day 350 CD 44: After days of bingeing, some light
But today wasn't so bad (despite being an awful wet cold dreary day). I didn't munch out, and I ate reasonable portions. I also haven't spend the evening raiding the pantry like I usually do. My stomach currently feels at about a 4, which is much better than going to be on an 8!!!
Aim for tomorrow, meal by meal, think.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
Day 345 CD 39
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Day 341 CD 35: Awful day
Why can't this be simple.....
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Day 340 CD 34: Still off track
Monday, July 23, 2007
Day 338 CD 32: No junk food
Have eaten a bit more than I should have today (past 5), but at least it was junk food free... will keep working on that.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Day 337 CD 31
After all that sugar I had yesterday, I really noticed the effect it had on my body... (not good!)
My aim is to listen to hunger, and to eat junk food less than 3 times per week. In order to help with this, I am going to give myself (and my hubby) 50 cents for each day in the next month that I don't have junk food. If I do eat it then I aim to enjoy it and savour it... and move on.
I am still aiming for more than 5 fruit and vege a day, plus getting some exercise most days (and enjoying how it makes me feel).
Today I took my daughter to the movies, and didn't eat great most of the day.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Day 336 CD 30: I ate sugar today!
Even though strictly I should have waited until tomorrow, I was going out this evening and decided that I would have some this afternoon. I have gone a little overboard, but hubby helped me call a halt to the munching that I was doing.
So now what? My new focus is on aiming to not eat sugary stuff more than 3 times per week, and to focus on hunger.
I need to re-assess how I can incent myself. I am very pleased that I pretty much managed the 30 days, but I have to be careful not to fall back into old habits. I now know that I CAN do it if I put my mind to it, and my body feels a whole lots better without the sugar. It really enjoys good quality chocolate in amounts that are enough to savour.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Day 335 CD 29
I overate all day today. DOn't know why.....
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Day 334 CD 28 - Need to wait for hunger
Tomorrow, just focus on waiting for hunger to eat.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Day 333 CD 27
Stopped myself from eating when not hungry once today, and once tonight.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Day 332 CD 26
Monday, July 16, 2007
Day 330 CD 24
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Day 330 CD 24
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Day 329 CD 23
Unfortunately it looks like the weather is packing in tomorrow.... maybe a run in the chilly rain??
Still sugar free - I guess I will make it now as only 7 days to go!! After the 30 days my aims are to:
- track sugar/junk food eating and aim for less than 3x per week
- consider hunger when eating
- keep active
- divert my attenttion to other things when tempted to eat
Friday, July 13, 2007
Day 328 CD 22
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Day 327 CD 21
I haven't posted for a while since we were away over the weekend, and then our pc monitor died. Now we have a loaner until we can sort out a new one. Another expense I just don't need right now....
The trip away made the sugar thing sooo hard. There was a party for my daughter with loads of sweets and chocolate, then a dinner out with friends and two desserts... and lots of leftover birthday cake... BUT I RESISTED. I even pulled out the packet of chocolate thinking I might eat some, but just smelled it instead :-)
I haven't run for more than a week now. Must get back on that horse! The weather has been really miserable here lately with storms etc. Still, the forecast is good for the next few days, so no more excuses there.
I'm going to go through my change contract again tonight and plan what to focus on next, and what will happen about sugar at the end of the 30 days...
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Day 320 CD 14: 2 weeks down
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Day 319 CD 13
I feel full and bloated now. My only victory today is that I avoided sugar, but maybe my extra cravings are BECAUSE of the no sugar?? Could be lack of water though, as I haven't drunk any water since I have been home from work.
Off to have a drink and go to bed feeling ick.
I think I need to remind myself what this change is all about....
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Day 318 CD 12: Bike day
Sugar free again today, despite temptations (brownies at work, icecream at home)....
I need to work on the junk food thing though, as I seem to have substituted cheese/crackers and chips for the sugar in my life.
Monday, July 02, 2007
Day 317 CD 11: Family reunited
Hubby and I also got a major chore done tonight - tax returns (due on the 7th - talk about last minute!!). Glad that is over.... that took the whole evening so I wasn't distracted by the chips tonight. Hooray!
Exercise tomorrow.....
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Day 316 CD 10: Delayed homecoming
The first night they were away was exciting and peaceful, the second I started to miss them, and now I can't wait to see them!
I did ok today - still no sugar HOORAY! and made it for a run walk despite the constant rain today. I have been snacking more than I should, and it hasn't been for hunger - more like boredom.....
Anyway - tomorrow is a work day, so that will keep me distracted!
Day 315 CD 9: Tidy house
I nearly caved in several times including when I did the supermarket shopping (my inner demon saying "oh it doesn't matter if you cave in this once - you have done well most of the time"), but I didn't.
My eating hasn't exactly been healthy and balanced, but I am proud of myself for sticking with the no sugar thing.
Off to do some more cleaning before the messer-uppers get home....
Friday, June 29, 2007
Day 314 Change Day 8
It feels very weird, and the old part of me wants to treat this as an eating fest! Which I have done a little, eating more than I should, and grabbing at stuff rather that sitting down for a balanced meal. However I have avoided sugar all day - hooray!
Anyway, I set myself 15 mins on the computer before more tidying, so I'd better be off.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Day 313 CD7 - A week done
I ate a bit much chinese takeaways this evening. I liked the taste to much and was really hungry before dinner.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Day 312 Change Day 6
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Day 311 Change Day 5
Monday, June 25, 2007
Day 310 Change Day 4
I'm getting great support from my hubby, work colleagues, and my online accountability partner, which has been a great support.
The weather is getting a bit nippy here. It is supposed to be 3 degrees overnight - brrrr! I usually find myself being slothful at this time of year, so the timing of this change is critical.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Day 309 Change Day 3
Getting good support from home, and don't have a headache today (well didn't even before the brownie).
Managed to get my butt out the door for a walk too.
Onwards and upwards
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Day 308 Change Day 2
Hubby has been very supportive though, which is great. And there are no junk foods (sugar free) in the cupboard to tempt me!
Friday, June 22, 2007
Day 307 Change Day 1: Fresh as a daisy
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Day 306: A new start
I am starting tomorrow June 22nd. I will be:
- committing to 30 days of sugar free as a kick start
- aiming to eat to hunger/fullness cues, and what my body needs/deserves
- keep my feelings/hunger tracker on my desk and make a note every time I think about eating
- aiming to be active for 20 mins or more 4 times per week
- praying, diverting, relaxing.
I am also going to track on my blog daily the following things:
- whether I have eaten in secret or sneaked food
- whether I have been sugar free
- how many fruit/veges I have had (I do this already, but want to get the numbers up!)
- how much junk food $ I used (I have $90 to start the month - and get to keep what is left)
- what exercise I have done
- how many times I ate when I wasn't hungry
Later I want to focus on things like portions and getting some of these things refined, but for now the above is my focus.
I have support from my hubby and my accountability partner, Jenn. I know that this will take ENERGY, EFFORT, and ATTENTION. I can do it!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Day 301: Been away a while
I have yet to set a date, but preparation is underway for my change... the book emphasises that is important not to just jump right in and start to try to change straight away. It says you need to review the good and bad things about changing to see where you are at.
Overeating does have some positivity in my life (as strange as it may seem to say that). It means I eat whatever I want. It numbs my feelings. It means I don't need to be worried about being seen as a "sex object" or get undue attention. Chocolate makes me feel good (for a while). And overeating is my habit, and the "easier option".
So I need to think about WHY I am going to change, and ensure that those reasons are more than good enough to counteract any positive thoughts about staying the same....
Anyway, it is late so I don't want to go into details now, but see later posts for my new approach and plan..... :-)
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Day 292: Got my book yesterday
Anyway I got my new book - Changing for Good - yesterday. Just read the first couple of chapters so far, but so far so good.
Monday, June 04, 2007
Day 289: Climb every mountain
My other mountain, my eating, didn't go too badly today. I ate reasonably intuitively. Felt a bit full after dinner. Slept away the afternoon which probably helped the afternoon-at-home-munchies!
Anyway, here is to a positive week.
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Day 287: OK day
I felt hunger a couple of times, and haven't gone all out crazy this evening.
Baby steps.
Preparing mentally for my 5km race tomorrow.
Friday, June 01, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Day 284: Cold kicking in, eating taking hold
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Day 283: Great run at lunchtime
Still work to do on eating when hungry, but making baby steps - avoided the icecream tonight!
Monday, May 28, 2007
Day 282: Sitting with full belly again
I have ordered a book today that I saw on the A Weight Lifted site...
Friday, May 25, 2007
Day 279: Lots of exercise today
This weekend I will work on feeling hunger again.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Day 278: The snack box and the evening munchies
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Day 277: Progress in the rain
Gonna do some weights in front of the tv soon.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Day 276: Headaches aren't solved by eating!
Monday, May 21, 2007
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Day 274 - Hamster wheel
I have been on autopilot the last few days.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Day 270: Forgetting the spirit
Today also wasn't helped by an awful night's sleep last night...
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Day 270: Progress not perfection
Monday, May 14, 2007
Day 269: Alone in an office...and eating
The positive side of the day is that at lunchtime I went to walk to the shops to get more sweets to eat in my office, but part way there I turned around and said "what am I doing - I don't need to do that" and I went back to my office and had a mint instead.
That was a small ray of sunshine in a cloudy day.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Day 268: Another bad nights sleep
I hate this half awake feeling, and I was silly and tried to medicate it with food.... it doesn't help. All I need is an early night.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Day 264: Progress not perfection
I even managed to haul my butt out the door at lunchtime for a run, despite being SO TIRED today after an awful night's sleep... Hopefully it will be a better one tonight.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Day 263: Slightly better but still work to do
Keep trying.
Monday, May 07, 2007
Day 262: Hamster wheel is back
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Friday, May 04, 2007
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Day 258: Going so well then....
At least I did some great exercise today - although it was hard work.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Day 257: Back and forward
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Day 256: Improved day
We got thai takeout tonight and it was so yummy that I had a second serving that I didn't really need. Then just now when I was working on the computer I saw hubby eating icecream and decided that I wanted some too - even though I was still quite full. Need to work on that...
Monday, April 30, 2007
Day 255: Eat-fest
I got a giant cookie from the snack bix, ate a big lunch, then bought sweets, and have munched my way through this evening with no thought or consciousness!!
I feel awful now, so I am going to take this as a little reminder of what my body and my spirit really needs....
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Day 254: Great run this morning, chocolate biscuit chaos this afternoon
I am keeping up my spiritual focus.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Day 253: Grey day
Friday, April 27, 2007
Day 252: A few drinks and it all turns to custard
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Day 251: Running like the wind
My eating today at work was pretty focussed - I nearly bought a chocolate bar - but there weren't any flavours that I liked, so I walked away - that is progress!
I munched out a bit this evening, I will refocus and reflect tonight.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Day 250: Tired but an Ok day
Day 249: A walk in the sunshine
My eating has been good today in general. I overate a bit at dinner time, and have nibbled this evening despite being full, but all in all it has been a good day. So many positive days in a row - and it is that TOTM!
Monday, April 23, 2007
Day 248: Continued focus
That is awesome!!!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Day 247: Another positive day
I sit at the computer now without munching on endless empty "treats".
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Friday, April 20, 2007
Day 245: Dastardly lollies again
My focus for tomorrow is on whole foods.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Day 244: Focus
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Day 243: Test results
Monday, April 16, 2007
Day 241: Some progress
This morning at work I got some money together to go and get something from the snack box. I wasn't hungry. Just as I was about to get up I thought - no I'm not hungry and went through my spiritual thought instead. It worked.
This evening has been ok too, although I have eaten junk food I sat at the table and I haven't gone overboard. I ate a small amount of dark chocolate (its good for you!!! :-}) and some banana with chocolate icecream.
Yay for small steps forward.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Friday, April 13, 2007
Day 238: Places to eat
- in front of the computer in the evening
- in front of the computer at work
- cleaning up at home in the evening
- watching TV.
So I am going to attempt to just eat when I am sitting at the table - and thinking about what I am doing.
Tonight I did ok with that. I consciously sat at the table when I grabbed my two choccie biscuits when I was cleaning up. Hubby gave me a creme egg while I was sitting at the computer, so i ate it there.. and then I got some chips while the tv was on.... But on a positive note I caught up on my filing that has been bugging me for a while - a good use of TV time!
Tomorrow's goal is to sit and eat consciously.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Day 236: Always after dinner
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Day 233: Easter Sunday means CHOCOLATE!
In-laws have gone back home today. It was nice to see them, but it will be nice just to have a day to ourselves to potter around tomorrow before going back to work.
Friday, April 06, 2007
Day 231: In laws here
Easter eggs in the cupboard are calling me but I am trying to hold out till sunday.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Day 229
I have been munching out this evening, but now that I have done my computer stuff I am going to have a relaxing evening.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Day 228: Too busy to eat properly?
I went for a run at lunchtime today, but my legs felt like lead....
Monday, April 02, 2007
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Day 226: Did da duathlon!
It is my birthday tomorrow, so we went out to lunch today to celebrate, which was really nice. My son decided he liked my lunch better than his, so we ended up sharing.
I have just entered another 5km run in 2 weeks time, so will need to keep (start!!) the training. Now it is cooling down I hope to go out some lunchtimes while I am at work.
Next step is to get control of my endless eating - let's see how that goes...
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Day 224: Soon to be another year older
I am actually starting to get really concerned about stuff like diabetes and heart disease. My BMI is around 28-29 - much higher and I will be in the obese category!!!!
I want to be healthy for me and for my family.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Monday, March 26, 2007
Day No Idea
Just been reading some stuff on the web on binge eating - interesting.... Questions to ask (and my answers) are:
I eat when I am not hungry. YES
I eat until I feel extremely uncomfortable, not just full. YES
I eat a lot—and often. YES
I snack and nibble all day long. YES
I feel out of control and can't stop eating. YES
I eat very fast. YES
I prefer to eat alone. YES
I keep my eating habits a secret from family and friends. YES
I always seem to be dieting—and breaking my diet. KIND OF
My weight goes up and down by more than a few pounds. KIND OF
I feel disgusted, depressed, and guilty after I eat a lot. YES
Pretty telling really....
Also I:
- Hide food wrappers so that people won't know what i have eaten
- Eat normally in front of people, then sneak out and eat afterwards
- Eat treats that have been given to my kids
- Know what food is good for me and my body, and what should be eaten occasionally, but eat junk as often as I can...........
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Day 207: Small progress
Good baby steps. Keep it up! :-)
Day 206: Stuffed again
Friday, March 09, 2007
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Day 202
I was tempted lots of times for chocolate. I even went to the snack boxto buy one, then someone came in and I thought I don't really want it,so I didn't get it!!! I even managed to get out for a small run at lunchtime and rode home. Then after dinner I was craving sweet things. I had some crisps again,and a couple of biscuits but I didn't eat the icecream that wascalling to me several times during the evening. So overall I think yesterday could be counted as a babystep to success!
Today wasn't quite so positive. I did ride to and from work, but I didn't take much lunch/fruit with me and ended up at the snack box at 9.30am cos I was hungry.
At lunchtime I had sushi, and then went and bought some chocolate raisins when I was at the fruit shop to buy fruit. I ate all the chocolate raisins and none of the fruit!!!
Anyway. Tomorrow I am aiming for sugar free - I will eat anything else....
Monday, March 05, 2007
Day 200: 200 days on and no closer to change
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Monday, February 19, 2007
Day 187: Like a hamster stuck in a wheel
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Day 186: OK for a weekend day
Tomorrow's aims are:
- walk or run
- snack-box free
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Day 185: OK day
Friday, February 16, 2007
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Day 183: No lunch not hungry
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Day 182: Headache
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Day 181: Some progress
I am struggling a little this evening again, but am off to do a quick 15 min flylady de clutter, and then will do some painting to distract myself.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Day 180: Junk food frenzy
Must meditate on this tonight.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Day 174: Out of the house and exercising with family
Did ok for eating today, right up until my usual weak time of the evening... Tomorrow night I am going to work on one of my projects instead of browsing at the computer (although Lost is on tomorrow so that will be an hour of TV time, but maybe I can do something else while I am watching).
Monday, February 05, 2007
Day 173: So much for my goals
How do I snap out of it?
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Day 172: Lazy day
Goals for tomorrow: feel hunger and choose fruit over sugar
Friday, February 02, 2007
Day 171: Not much fruit today!
I need to take some time to think about what I am reading in the rules of normal eating book
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Day 169: Babysteps
Eating was ok - I thought about hunger and fullness a bit.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Day 168: Oops
Today has gone fairly well, at least until while I was cleaning out the pantry I found a bag of lollies and ate the lot!!
When I woke up, I didn't feel up to a run, so I grabbed my yoga mat and did some yoga poses before breakfast - that felt great and I will try to keep doing that.
I did IE at work today - not eating at my desk, eating the lunch I had brought in instead of getting sushi, no lollies. And I thought periodically about my hunger and how full I was. I even had a bit of a rumble going before lunch and dinner!
I guess my positive thought of the day is " the daytime went great!"
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Day 166: Reading books, but not yet changing
Since I have been back I have been stuck in my old problem of evening eating (days have been mostly ok, with a few times when I have headed for the dreaded lunchtime lollies)...
The "Rules of Normal Eating" book that I have been reading is pretty heavy on beliefs and feelings, and I need to work my way through it and spend the time on it. The basic premise of the changes that need to be made are very similar to HUGS - thinking about hunger and satisfaction.... But it also talks about cravings. It also focussed not only on reformed dieters, but also overeaters - and I definitely fit more into the second category, as I have never had much success for long with diets.
I haven't started reading the IE book yet....
My main goals for the next week are to:
- blog every day
- keep in touch with Jenn my accountability partner
- keep reading and starting to apply what I have learned.
On a positive note, it was a stinking hot day so we headed to the beach yesterday. I let my inhibitions go and went in swimming with bearly a thought about what people must think of my thundery white thighs :-). It was a fantastic swim.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Day 152: Books arrived today
Have been thinking that my eating frenzy has probably been related to some work stress. I have to travel tomorrow for a couple of days and am in a bit of a stressful situation, so it is weighing on my mind.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Day 151: Struggling
Weather has been rubbish this week (maybe affecting my mood) hot and rainy most of the time. Haven't done any exercise apart from a walk yesterday and one length of the pool this morning (need to go swimming without kids).
Hope my IE books come soon.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Day 150: 150 days and where have I gone
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Day 149: Near made 6 days
Today I was craving sweets - I nearly went to buy some but I bought some cherries and grapes instead for that sweet hit (I ate quite a lot but at least I felt better than eating a bag of lollies!)
Then this evening hubby was busy so I had to deal with the kids etc, and they were crying because he wasn't around and because it was hot and sticky. I dealt with all that and the mess (stuff left from breakfast - yuck!) and then REALLY wanted sugary treats. I tried to have crackers and cheese to stave it off, but in the end I caved in and ate several sweet things. Now I feel yucky....
But I am still going to do the 7 day no sugar thing... as I feel I need to do it.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Day 148: Still sugar free, but tempting me!
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Day 147: 4th sugar free day
Monday, January 08, 2007
Day 146: 3 days without sugar
I am actually feeling great about the sugar thing. I had a brief wavering moment after lunch today when I wanted to go and buy lollies, but I didn't and it felt good.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Day 144: Sugar free
I finally ordered a couple of books from amazon the other day (they will take a few weeks to get here). I had been putting it off because of the cost, and because I already have the HUGS books, but I finally decided that I need a kick start.
Well, the big news of the day is that I have decided to go without sugar for the week (as of this morning)! (Well, not completely without sugar - as it is in EVERYTHING - unbelievable reading those labels on food). Anyway, so far so good, despite there being chocolate cake on offer this afternoon, and hubby offering me part of a kitkat this morning.... I resisted! :-)
I'm not sure why I decided to do the sugar thing. It seems to be a thing that takes me out of control - like I can't get enough.