Saturday, October 20, 2007

More than halfway through October!

I have abandoned my rigid/diety approach to life, in favour of treating myself well, dressing well, and feeling good about myself.

October has been a pretty "good" month, in terms of getting off my butt and exercising (walking, running, karate, beach volleyball, cycling), but I have found myself bingeing, and I think it is because I said "I will eat no junk food".... the inner child in me says NO!

My accountability partner is also taking a break, and this forced me to think about what I was really gaining from emailing, blogging, and searching for ideas for hours each night for my overeating habits... really I wasn't getting anywhere. Just doing the same-old-same-old, and resolving to start again fresh in the morning - just like the diet thing!

So I am focussing on some of the HUGS and Beyond Chocolate principles, and just getting on with life. I am focussing on trying to the wife, mother, and person that I should be, and treating myself well.

So I am cutting back on the internet. Aiming for less than half an hour a night (part of my October plan originally anyway). There are a couple of sites I check out daily, and a few others that I will check on occasion. The rest is just wasted time ("chasing rabbits" I think was the term someone else used).

I will try to eat consciously, and I know that I won't always, but that is ok....

So I do still plan to check in on this blog every now and again... and even if no one is reading it, at least I can see where I am at in my life....

I'm off to have a candlelit bath! :-)

1 comment:

MizB said...


I'm glad to hear things are going well for you... that October has been successful. ;o)

I really felt that God was saying to me that neither you nor I was "benefiting" from our "accountability"... that it was almost more of a hinderance (keeping us stuck in our ho-hum-ways) than a help. That's why I've walked away for a time. And, I'm glad that it seems to have been just what we both needed.

I'm still plugging along -- slowly, but surely -- and I'm still learning. The other day, God revealed that I need to stop READING so much about how to get this weight off, and just start MAKING IT HAPPEN! ;o) So, that's what I'm going to do... no more weight loss / health-related books for a while.

I'm still here ... reading occasionally, so keep posting! And, keep plugging away! You're doing great!

<>< MizB (your "accountability- partner-on-hiatus")