Thursday, November 01, 2007


I've got it!

Well.... I still have a long way to go, but I am getting there. Today was a progress day, after several days of bingeing on sweet stuff and feeling stuffed full.

I took a small piece of leftover brownie with me to work today along with my lunch. I told myself I would have it in the afternoon when I wanted that sugar. I took some fruit and nuts to snack on, but made sure that I was hungry when I snacked.

I installed a little timer program that I have set to count down for 5 minutes on my work computer. When I feel the urge for the snackbox, I hit the timer, promising myself that if I still want it when the timer stops, then I can have it. I did this several times today (lots and lots actually!) but I never actually wanted it at the end of the time. Sometimes I had some nuts or a piece of fruit instead, but mostly I had a drink of water, or just carried on working!

I also am trying to get some spirituality and prayer back into my life. I think that has helped.

For work I am going on a Scrum course soon. Scrum is a project management process for developing software in small "bits" and focussing on the most important things first. I had another Eureka moment this morning and thought that I should apply this approach to the stuff in my life that I want to improve on (healthy eating, exercise, relationships). I'm going to write a list of the things I want to do, prioritise them, and focus on just those that are at the top of the list for a 30 day "sprint".

On a completely different tangent, I have also signed up for Nanowrimo (thanks to Jenn!). I've never written anything in my life, but I'm going to give it a go... Only problem is that it will require even *more* time on the computer! :-)

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