Friday, October 05, 2007

OMBO 5: Morning run!

Wow - I got out of bed and went for a morning run this morning, and it was great. The tide was out so I could run along the beach, and I managed to run most of the way, with a bit of walking in there for luck.

My eating has been ok for most of the day, but overate/snacked a bit much late this afternoon and this evening.

I am thinking about buying some sort of mp3 player suitable for running. I think a bit of music might help inspire me to keep going. Don't know anything about ipods etc.... although I remember hearing something about HDDs being worse than flash for running.....

1 comment:

MizB said...

Hey Jo -- sounds like you're doing great! Your last few posts sound pretty positive! ;o) Remember to keep looking at how far you've already come (instead of how far you have yet to go!)

And, yes, HDD players aren't good for running. I recommend the RCA "Lyra"... It's a Flash player, and holds quite a bit. It's what my sister has, and she loves it! They're not too expensive, either! ;o)
