Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Running to music

Wow - I got an early Christmas present (just couldn't wait!) of an MP3 player, and it has made a HUGE difference to my running. I loaded up some up beat songs that I love, and I have pretty much been getting out there every 2nd day and running (slowly and with a couple of walk breaks) for around 30 mins at a time. It is fantastic!!!!

Have just got back from being away on a course for a few days. It is nice to be home, but I find tonight I have settled back into my old habits munch-wise.... hmmn.


Anonymous said...

You might want to check out They have a bunch of running music tracks that you can download to your MP3 Player. The optional coaching is really cool too because it is like having a running coach that runs along with you, helping you stay motivated. Also, the tempo of the music is such that you can run in the same tempo as the music which makes the whole running experience a lot more fun and engaging.

Christian Neeser said...

Ups, I messed up the link. Let my try again: