Sunday, August 12, 2007

Day 358 CD 52

After a crazy weekend of 2 year old birthday/party, visitors and too much wine, I got an hour or so this afternoon to read my Beyond Chocolate book. So far so good, it seems fairly similar to my other IE books (HUGS, IE, Rules of Normal Eating).

Two things I have picked up on are:
- they said that there will be times when you stop yourself before eating, realise that you are not hungry and that you are eating for emotional reasons, but you will still eat - and that is ok, since we aren't perfect
- often books say "distract yourself, call a friend, go for a walk" but that is not easy to do, they suggested at first to just even stop yourself for 60 seonds to see "where you are at"

I will go and read some more now.

p.s. managed to get out for a run with my sister, and didn't do too badly

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