Thursday, June 21, 2007

Day 306: A new start

My "Change for Good" approach starts tomorrow

I am starting tomorrow June 22nd. I will be:
- committing to 30 days of sugar free as a kick start
- aiming to eat to hunger/fullness cues, and what my body needs/deserves
- keep my feelings/hunger tracker on my desk and make a note every time I think about eating
- aiming to be active for 20 mins or more 4 times per week
- praying, diverting, relaxing.

I am also going to track on my blog daily the following things:
- whether I have eaten in secret or sneaked food
- whether I have been sugar free
- how many fruit/veges I have had (I do this already, but want to get the numbers up!)
- how much junk food $ I used (I have $90 to start the month - and get to keep what is left)
- what exercise I have done
- how many times I ate when I wasn't hungry

Later I want to focus on things like portions and getting some of these things refined, but for now the above is my focus.

I have support from my hubby and my accountability partner, Jenn. I know that this will take ENERGY, EFFORT, and ATTENTION. I can do it!

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