Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Day 202

Was annoyed yesterday becuase blogspot wasn't working again so I couldn't blog my stuff. I actually had a reasonably good day yessterday. I rode into work on my bike, and avoided all except one sweet all day (I ended upeating a bag of vege crisps when I found my orange was mouldy!!).

I was tempted lots of times for chocolate. I even went to the snack boxto buy one, then someone came in and I thought I don't really want it,so I didn't get it!!! I even managed to get out for a small run at lunchtime and rode home. Then after dinner I was craving sweet things. I had some crisps again,and a couple of biscuits but I didn't eat the icecream that wascalling to me several times during the evening. So overall I think yesterday could be counted as a babystep to success!

Today wasn't quite so positive. I did ride to and from work, but I didn't take much lunch/fruit with me and ended up at the snack box at 9.30am cos I was hungry.

At lunchtime I had sushi, and then went and bought some chocolate raisins when I was at the fruit shop to buy fruit. I ate all the chocolate raisins and none of the fruit!!!

Anyway. Tomorrow I am aiming for sugar free - I will eat anything else....

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