Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Day 374 CD 69: Exercise day

Wow - just noticed that I have been blogging on my ups and downs with Intuitive Eating for over a year now.

I guess in some ways that is a bit sad, as I don't feel like I really have made any progress.

I still eat more than I should most of the time
I still binge on occasion
I still weigh more than I'd like
I still feel out of control with food
I still sometimes eat in secret

On the other hand...

I do have days when I eat intuitively and have small victories of eating intuitively and making the right choices
I did show that I could give up sugar for a whole month
I am running/walking and bike riding, and I have taken up karate
I am regularly thinking about eating nuts and fruit as snacks, and pack them in my lunch

So I guess in some ways this *IS* progress... it just feels a long way from the way I want to feel.. free from feeling controlled by food and happy with the way I feel

1 comment:

Alice said...

Are you happier?
I've found that's the best way to measure it.
Is your life as an intuitive eater- however far or not you feel you've come (and I think you're doing splendidly)- happier than when you were trying to diet?
I find that even when I'm having an awful IE day, I know that it's still better than the self-hatred that accompanied my dieting. I hope it's the same for you.
