Thursday, August 09, 2007

Day 355 CD 49

Did ok today until I came to work from home this afternoon. I was stressing about work and worrying about some other things, and I raided the party treats from the pantry....

It's like I put my logical conscious brain away, and let the eating monster inside take over....

I ordered a second hand book called Beyond Chocolate. I think it is basically intuitive eating, but the UK version.... will see how that goes when I get it. I don't want to start over yet again though....

1 comment:

Alice said...

Beyond Chocolate is a great book. I tried intuitive eating before, but it always seemed too complicated and required too much digging about in my emotions- too much like therapy.
I actually did a workshop with Sophie and Audrey, the authors, and it changed my life.
Since I first bought the book, I haven't looked back, and it continues to be an inspiration.
I hope you get something from it too.
