Thursday, September 14, 2006

Day 29: A yay day

I feel very proud of myself today. I listened to my hypnosis recording last night before bed (finally).

This morning (even though it was my morning to "sleep in") I got up and went for a walk with some jogging thrown in for good measure. I went along the beach and it was absolutely devine - brilliant sunny morning.

Today at work I have been busy, but I feel like I have listened to my body and eaten what my body wanted. I was tempted at lunchtime to go and buy something sweet (a habit), but I didn't need it - I was full!

I chewed gum in the afternoon (will try to wean myself off it eventually since I don't like reading the labels of what goes into it!) and didn't get tempted by the snackbox.

Tonight we had a social outing for a shared family dinner at the kids music class. The food was what I wouldn't normally choose, but I ate enough to keep me going.

This evening I managed to just eat ONE chocolate biscuit. I am very proud of myself - it is very rare that I would stop at one... unless it was the last one :-)

I will listen to my hypnosis tape again tonight! Positive thinking!!!

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