Thursday, September 07, 2006

Day 21, 22: Full on and frazzled

Ok STRESS IS TOLERABLE! I need to keep telling myself that, since my habits are so ingrained to reach for junk food at the first sign of stress.

On Wednesday I did feel hunger before lunch (since I was so busy in meetings etc), but by the afternoon I was reaching for the snack box again. I had a late-ish dinner, so I was reasonably hungry (maybe a 6 or 7). I didn't clear my plate because I'd had enough.

Today I feel like an eating machine! It has been all go since I got to work this morning, and I didn't get time for a proper lunch break or a walk. I am going to start a food diary as a separate blog to try and uncover what is happening!!

1 comment:

MizB said...

Cool! I've got a food diary blog, too! (I've not posted to it of late, as life's gotten in the way of my record-keeping, but I'll get back to it shortly). Glad to see I'm not the only one who does this! ;)

<>< Mizbooks