Friday, October 20, 2006

Day 65: Evening snackfest

My evenings are turning into junk food bingefests. Must take up painting or something to distract myself.

Definitely moving now in less than a month... lots to do


MizB said...

Just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your comments on my blog. Your encouragement & support have meant a lot to me. You keep me pressing on. :o)

I'm praying for you as you get ready to move ... may it go smoothly and peacefully. ;)

As for evening binge-fests...wanna be accountability partners? Both go for the same goal? Mine is to "eat ONLY when I'm TRULY hungry" this week ...and JUST for this week. Then I'll reevaluate how I'm doing. If I need to keep working on that next week, I will. If I get the hang of it, though, I'll move on to another goal for next week...

Wanna join me?

Jo said...

Hey yeah - that sounds good. I definitely need the support. Only thing is that we will be online at different times, since I am on the other side of the world.